Embroidering #48 from Por siempre joven (Forever Young) | Timelapse #47 from Por siempre joven (Forever Young) | Feminicidio en Guatemala (Feminicide in Guatemala) | Untitled (Front and Back/Japanese) | Deshilando el miedo (Unravelling the Fear) | Historias íntimas (Intimate Stories)
Hispanic Society Museum & Library’s Seminar with Artist on December 8, 2022.
An-hour long presentation I did on occasion of the research at The Hispanic Society, on their YouTube Channel, documenting the process and new feather works, along with a conversation with Ryan Pinchot from their Education Department.
Online Conversation with Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro for the exhibition Woven: Three Artists of the Americas, Preview (Online), August 2020.
Interview by Etty Yaniv: "Jessica Lagunas: With Every Fiber at Pelham Art Center," at ArtSpiel, April 7, 2021.
Donation of videos from the Colección Cisneros to the Bronx Museum